Tuesday 26 August 2008

Ageing - and your skin

I have watched a bit of telly lately - and since I do not do this all that much normally - I was really struck by all the anti ageing advertisements. At the same time, an email popped into my inbox from one of my competitors - promising younger looking skin - naturally.

And the thought struck me - what is it about ageing skin that we are supposed to hate so much?

I looked up the 7 signs of ageing - much touted by a mainstream skin care company. They are:
  1. Lines and wrinkles
  2. Uneven skin texture
  3. Uneven skin tone
  4. Appearance of pores
  5. Blotches and age spots
  6. Dry skin
  7. Dullness
Most of these can happen to people of all ages, and many of them are due to living an unhealthy life - not age!

So - the question we should be asking isn't "what are the signs of ageing" - but "what makes a face beautiful?". This is what we are after - isn't it? A beautiful face, to meet and greet the world?

So here are my thought on what makes a face beautiful:
Clear, aware and interested eyes.
A confident and happy expression.
A big smile.
A face that loves to laugh.
Skin with colour, and glow.

And of all those, there is only one item that has anything to do with your skin. It is not about wrinkles, lines, evenness of skintone or anything else. It is about having a healthy glow to your face.

Your can achieve the healthy glow by living a healthy life, by getting outside and enjoying nature, by exercising, by eating well. Finally - you can help by using natural skin care products that are healthy (Our natural facial moisturisers will help to bring out that healthy glow!).

The real signs of ageing in my opinion are dull, miserable expressions, loss of interest in life, and a grey pasty skin that you only get from being inside all day! Incidentally - you can display all of these signs at any age too - and they do age people tremendously!

Haven't we all met young people who look really old, and old people who look really young? This proves to us that it is not the lines in the skin that matters - but the person - the thoughts and the attitudes!

Laughter lines speak of a life well lived. Wrinkles makes a face lived in - it excudes character and depth. A marked face has stories to tell - it is interesting.

Surgery doesn't just remove lines and wrinkles - it removes the character - the story - and the face becomes an unreadable mask.

I would love for all of you to feel happy with your skin the way it is. Do you really want to spend time worrying about laughter lines, when there are so many exciting and fun things you could be doing right now?

I know who will have the most fun, anyway - and it is not the lady/man under the knife!

In health,


And here is a lovely article that talks more about the signs of ageing.

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